Trash to Treasure Mary McIntosh 9/9/19

I always feel that September is a month for new beginnings, whether it's the start of the new school year or a change in the seasons and so after the summer break we began our return to Keene Quilters on Monday 9th September with a talk from Mary McIntosh entitled Trash to Treasure

Mary's talk continued with this theme as she explained how she recycles items in her work giving them a new lease of life.

From Quality Street wrappers

to calico coffin shrouds Mary's work is both ingenious and thought provoking. 

Using a variety of techniques including fabric paint stamping, free motion quilting and different materials to dye the fabric Mary produced three wall hangings to represent the men on both sides of the first world war and the battles that they may have fought in.

Her more recent works include using discharge paste and household bleach on black linen to create some spectacular results. 

You can see more of Mary's work over on her website or blog The Copper Queen

Our next meeting is Sit & Sew on Monday 16th September
followed by a
Workshop on Monday  23rd September where Diane and Jill
will be showing us how to make block 3 of our modern quilt

Floating Stones 

 This is the final block for the Modern Quilt.
It is an easy block that can be made in two ways to create a different effect.

Requirements for session

Sewing machine
Mat, ruler, rotary cutter
Sewing notions
Notebook, pen

Background fabric (fat quarter), plus scraps of fabric (approx 3" sq) in your chosen colour scheme. 

We look forward to seeing over the coming weeks, visitors are always welcome.